Last day of 2010, tonight we're going down the road to
the neighbors house with a few other friends to
"Ring in the New Year"
We ring it in at 9pm with New York, so that we can
all be home in bed by 9:05...................wild bunch.
I've spent all morning our side, drying tarps, moving bins,
see my new muck boot from Dawn and Cory, "purple".
JS sent me to a job, since I was headed towards town,
I ran by the feed store. I used my new two wheel
wheelbarrow from JS.
Now don't be hard on him, I asked for the wheel barrow.
One has to work within JS's comfort zone when it comes
to gift shopping. Home Depot, Costco, Ace Hardware.
Last year he got me a Dell Lap Top and the year before
a Honda ATV. "I'm doing just fine"
The pickers are finishing up this weeks orders, that made
me feel good. Rain is coming in tonight, I filled the wood
ring in the house and filled the old wheelbarrow with
firewood and put it by the back door. That should last
us all weekend, so we wont have to go our in the rain.
Don't plan on going any where this weekend.
And finely got the bird feeder filled and up that
I got last year. Everything is in pretty good shape
around here going into 2011.
"Enjoy your New Years Eve and Be Safe".