Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Could Be"

You should have heard the "Groaning"
when I announced in the darkness this morning

"I forgot to turn the water off, last night"

"It could be"  that I didn't get the usual lecture,
because I was the one holding the flash light,
while JS and the welder were fixing the tractor.

"Maybe"  I didn't get the usual lecture, because I was
 the one driving with flashers going, behind said contractor
 as he drove the tractor home in the dark,
 with no tail lights or reflectors.

"It's possible"  I didn't get the usual lecture, because I 
was the good wife, who showed up when his forklift 
over heated and he needed a ride.

Plus two trips to town and to Gridley for tractor parts.

"Could Be"  


Gail said...

He knows not to upset the apple cart.

lisa said...

Could Be, you are a good wife!

Janice Grinyer said...

lol and a smart wife to know when to use her get out of jail card wisely ;)