It was nice having clouds today, a hint of fall this morning and no smoke.
It's been weeks since I've seen the Coast range across the valley, or the Buttes.
The big Labor Day weekend is over and in the true tradition
of the holiday the Starr Family Labored. Our motto,
"Sunday Is Just One More Workday Till Monday"
The kids came up and helped on the new cabin. Perfect son-in-law Cory
ran tractor, while JS and son Shane put in French drains.
Daughter Dawn and I, fetched pipes and lunch. That evening, we
attended the annual dinner put on be the La Porte Snowmobile Club.
It was really good, pulled pork, chicken, baked potatoes, all the fixings,
plus beer and wine tasting. Lots of good people to visit with.
Nothing out of the ordinary going on around here.
Weekends spent in the mountains, working on the cabin,
cutting wood and cleaning the property.
Weekdays, spent doing, the everyday things, that we all do "Every Day"
Watering................... horse pasture, orchard, garden, yard.
Water and feed dogs, water and feed horse, water and feed JS.
Cattlewomen's and me ladies club just started back up
and in a couple of weeks the push will be on to clean the
orange orchard, getting it ready for harvest.
The truth is, it's kind of "BORING" around here.