Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Your In My Space

The big nest in the eucalyptus was there when we moved
and for the next 15 years the Red Tail Hawks successfully
raised their babies. Every spring the fussing and
screeching would begin, then things would settle down
till the baby hatched. Then the fussing and screeching
would go on all summer till baby finely left the nest.

Five years age, a Big! Horned Owl took over and raised
three babies one summer. Boy! did that cause a commotion.
Mother Hawk, screeched her best complaints about the
whole thing, but the Owl stayed put.

The following year the hawks reclaimed the nest, but
the baby hawk had fallen out. It was a very sad summer.
These last two years the nest stayed empty,
no hawk, no owl.

The fussing and screeching started up again, this spring
and it was music to my ears. This week mama hawk has
been sitting pretty tight in the nest. That Is !

Till I tried to get pictures of her. I took to much
time and got to closes. She was letting me know all
about it. This is her telling me,
"Your in my space.......
........Don't you make me come down there"

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Love your new header!
Nice to see the hawks are back, hope you get baby hawk pics for us.