Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dreaming in Full Color

Friday my friend Tammy, called early in the morning to see if 
I would like to drive up to Cottonwood with her.  Tammy
 has recently bought two paint babies and she needed to get
pictures for their registration papers, so I tagged along.

It takes awhile to get to Cottonwood and we gabbed the whole trip.
You'll be happy to know that the two of us, solved all the
 worlds problems....well, at least we identified  them.

When we arrived, no one answered the door, the cars were
 in the drive, so Tammy tried the phone. No answer.
  Neither one of us felt right about opening
 gate and walking threw someones horses and barns, 
without permission.   So, we did the next best thing, we crawled
 threw the wire fence into the hay field, walking past the cows,
up the fence line ??? Apparently we don't have a problem with that.
"Not Good Etiquette"  I know!   

Now we're taking picture and making over the babies, when
a man's voice yells "Someone Out There?"
We freeze!.....then laugh....."Busted"
like two little kids, we sheepishly walked back up the
 fence line to take our punishment.  It was the care taker,
thank goodness he was good about it and only asked
 why we didn't go though the gates?

On the right side of the fence again, we went to see the babies
 close up.  Lots of horses, the people who own the place raise
 thoroughbred runners and paints, quite the combination. 
Picture taking was a challenge, as the little ones were on the move.
I had the best time just wondering though horses, looking at 
all the babies and wishing out loud.

This gelding caught my eye, I'm going to call on him, this week, 
the care taker said he is saddle broke? 
Never quite got that clarified.

This flashy little girl also turned my head, but I don't need a baby.

We had to see one more before we left,

The newest addition, isn't she cute?

PS.  Dear Uncle ED, I have not forgotten John.


Janice said...

Nice way to spend the day. Loved the babies.....that last one got me thank god I live a long ....long ways away.Your new Header shot is quite interesting.

Janice said...

Ps. I am so happy I can leave comments and not have to go through fifty different steps .....Yahoo