Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Hotter Than a Popcorn Fart"

One of grandpa Lloyd's saying for the heat.
I don't know if it actually got up to 108 or 110 like was predicted,
but I can sure as heck tell you it was 100 and HOT !

 If you'r on Facebook with me, you know I'm outside fairly early,
 but it was to hot yesterday morning to get much done.
I watered what needed to be watered and spent the rest
 of the day in the house.  Ranch Dog wouldn't even
 come out of her hole, she has dug.

Felt a little wussy about it, but not enough to go back outside.

This morning was much cooler, so I worked in the kitchen garden all morning. 
 Weeded the strawberry bed and got everything watered good. 

Inside now getting the house picked up and then headed to town.
Hope it's not to hot where your at.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Sounds miserable to me. We are in the 60's today. Stay cool! :)

lisa said...

Boy does that fruit look good, especially on a hot day! It was up in the 90's the last couple of days and I sure know how you feel, it was way too hot to spend outside doing things that need to get done :(

Crystal said...

It has been cool here that last little while, but yesterday and today are warm ones for sure. I am not used to this weather and spent both days outside, it sure gets exhausting.