Monday, September 5, 2016

Good to be a Buck on Starr's Farm

 Spotted this little guy this morning, He was content and comfy.
Decided he was going to be there awhile, 
so setup the tripod and camera.   

It wasn't long before he had, had enough of me.

That worked out well, he moved over to the next row
 and joined up with these two.  

I couldn't be happier.  They were in no hurry to going anywhere
 and I was enjoy the camera time.  The bigger one even laid down.
I stepped away, hoping would all lay down, wasn't that lucky.

I watched them and they watched me.

And to my surprise this big boy comes and joins us.

This Guys been around for awhile, 
No matter what I did, there was no way he was going
 to turn and look at me.
They know they have a safe haven her on the farm,
but not taking any chances.
